Must - Watch Movie Update !!!
Watch Changeling !!! Damn nice . I wanna talk about this film but I worry about the spoiler … So I dunno what can I write also . To some people who watched the Changeling Trailer , some of you sure ask me question like …
“Is she mad ?“
“Is that her child ?“
“In the end did she found her child ?”
Why ask me this ??? You watch then you know loh .
Second must - watch movie , The Reader !!! Another damn nice movie , recommend by Kenny and Joo Joo . Who want this 2 movie ? Ask from me . I have the file . Hohoho …
Oh yah , comment for The Reader’s Trailer ( Movie many people haven’t watch , only some watched only ) . Let see what they think after they watch the trailer .
A : Dunno what lai de , the trailer itself already hard to understand lia
B : Is not my type de movie , is Joo Joo de movie .
C : Is AD student’s movie lah , not our ** Major watch one .
( They just kidding only )
D : Nice music . ( I got the file also , want can get from me . )
E : The movie looks good leh . I like this “type” of love story ( I add one )
F : WTF !!! Trailer again ? Give me the damn movie lah !!!
Note : This 2 movie no fighting or super visual effect , so don’t watch till fall asleep .
I watch Fast & Furious 4 ( Which also known as Cepat dan Garang 4 , XD ) and Knowing too with Taylor Gang and TOA Gang . Cepat dan Garang 4 not bad lah , just the people sitting behind me very excited , sorry , is OVER excited . Overall is not bad the movie .
As for Knowing ...
I have no idea how D can watch it twice in Cinema ... Personally i think the movie is ok only , not as nice as i thought but the feeling the movie give is quite scary actually . Like horror movie only . Haha .
Got SPOILER here : But some part in the movie really very stupid lah , I only can say Jon ( Nicolas Cage ) VERY VERY brave . Blindly chase after the enemy or rush to the scene ... He thinks he can regenerate like Claire ah ? Not scared will die one ah , WTH !!! Then the UFO got wings , GOT WINGS !!! WALAU !!! Now become Angel ah ? WTH WTH WTH !!! And the last scene ( Got one tree at the field there ) I look at it i only thing that come to my mind is ...
" Did they get the idea or picture from Deviantart ? "
Damn fantasy lah !!! I almost thought the last scene is Final Fantasy lah !!! WTH !!! This movie seriously makes me laugh man . Hahaha . The good thing about the movie is The End scene very cool , VERY VERY COOL !!! Those disaster looks like Final Destination to me also . Haha .

One thing very funny is when we watch Knowing , before they start they play the Thai Horror Movie Trailer which called Coming Soon ... Very funny lah ( Not Trailer funny , the trailer quite scary but the people in the cinema very funny lah . I was sitting at the back , i can see everyone sitting in front of me .
The scaring scene scared almost everyone in the cinema ( Can see them shake at the very moment XD ) and one girl’s reaction very big ( I think she almost stand up ) , until the people sitting in front of her also turn their head back to see what happen . Hahaha . I can see very clearly coz the light still on while watching the Trailer , they only off it when the movie start . Hahaha !!!

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