The Path of Wind
Joe Hisaishi is awesome !!! ( In case you dunno who is he , the guy that plays piano inside the 2 videos is him XD ) . I dunno , maybe some of you will faint or wish me Good Night after listening to his music , who cares ? As long i like it then ok lia loh ... XD . Love his music a lot .
He is one of the best music composer to me . Haha . He compose quite many score for Hayao Miyazaki's film like Spirited Away ( Damn Nice ) , My Neighbour Totoro , Princess Mononoke ( Also damn nice ) and blah blah blah ( Too many to list out all ) . He also works with Takeshi Kitano too , the Director of Kikujiro .
The Path of Wind is one of the score from My Neighbour Totoro and Summer is from Kikujiro . Hopefully you guys will enjoy it ( Don't like is ok , as long don't fall asleep ) XD ... My Neighbour Totoro

share vf me some of ur joe hisaishi collection when i buy new laptop k?
wanna save it inside my laptop..haha..
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