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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Bad weeks, this is really bad weeks. Sometime I just don’t understand why I should go through all the hard way in order to achieve something people can achieve easily? Life is always unfair? Or this is my faith? Well… I finally able to stand up and move on (again, since this is not the first time). The sudden recover looks like I scared the hell out of few people. Haha. However, I just don’t get it, why Hard disk spoil then will follow by the Laptop? Now all the data is gone. Why am I always so unlucky? Nothing goes well at all, NOTHING!!! Is ok, just a simple word for myself, REDO~.
*What the hell!*

The battle between me and the Other me is getting harder. Somehow I failed to be the usual me and let the Other me takes control. End up everyone asking me plenty of questions to know whether I am ok or not. Thanks to those people who asked me this. I really need some words from you guys to comfort me. Yes, I am WEAK. I am always WEAK. This is the different between me and you all.

I don’t need anyone to tell me that words won’t help in fixing the reality, solving the problems because I know about it very well. I will still need it because I don’t want to feel cold, I want to feel warm, with you all’s comfort. You guys are the key for me to fight over the Other me. The Other me is dangerous, he is not a gentle, kind and caring person. He will curse, he loves revenge and he will love to share his pain.

Even though now I stand up and move on but still the bad weeks keep coming, and I am being tested again and again. Honestly I am not free for all this shits alright? I have assignments!!! I have projects!!! Just like everyone else. I feel like my reality invaded by dementors, sucking out all my happiness and forcing me to relieve my worst memories. They can be found anytime, anywhere, and they can be anything.

2 Keys, one for lucky day, one for Wednesday.
Never run away, face it like another day.
If not it will become the Other Final’s day.

I also getting lost in what I want to say and type. My English SUCK!!! Arrgghh!!! Haha.

Some random lines..
They will laugh with you, doesn’t mean they will cry with you.

Yes, I know you are sad to start everything from zero and all over again, but if you don’t start, it will be zero forever.

Don’t ever jump to conclusion without see what people see or feel what people feel.

Posted by Posted by Final at 5:32 PM


