Monday, December 28, 2009
In another few days time, Year 2009 will be officially ended. Many things stopping me from writing the blog but I really don’t want to miss anything anymore. One year of living, thousands of smiles, millions of dreams. If don’t write it down, I don’t know how long I can keep inside my head. My memory is limited.
MM85-1!!! One year already, time flies so fast until we don’t even realize we already know each other for one year. That’s really fast. So many things happened, we stress, we joke, we play, we laugh, we argue, we fight, we dream, and now we are still together, waiting for another year to come and go through it together again. Year 2009… What we had? I remember stop motion, The Pandora Girl. Haha that’s a real fun we had (even though we still stressed like hell.)
Follow by Silk Screen and the Freedom artwork. I will never forget the Freedom, doing it in the middle of night, with vomiting and fever. I will never forget that. YUCK!!! Drama is fun too.
Flash Animation is fun… gua? Haha. Honestly kind of hate it, but I still remember we all rushing work at night, listening to Lady Gaga’s song. There was a night where everyone stays in a small room and start doing it. The moment of stress, don’t you think is sweet? Everyone helping each other out in every problem, so that they can get over it and after that we can continue the adventure together.
Flash took most of our time out, even in the latest sem, Flash Game SUCK!!! Actually Flash Game is not really that suck, is just I am the one who make it suck because I am suck. I failed to understand the Script. Sorry man.
Speaking of this “wonderful” sem, YENNY she is real rock star, SHE ROCK THE HELL OUT OF US!!! I have no idea how to describe the good of her, she is simply amazing. Encouraging, very encouraging, you will definitely feel confident over your work. Not to mention how funny she can be, always make us laugh till can’t stop. First day of class already make us laugh like hell. Haha. YENNY YOU ROCK!!!
Now finally holiday, but seem losing the passion on many things. In the end many things left undone. Haiz.. I had a boring Christmas too, because non of you in Sunway now, everyone at Hometown and UK now. Sad sad sad… Thank god someone date me out on the Christmas Eve. After that… I am home alone, without seeing any faces or go out. I have no where to go since I am alone at home, at subang, and at Sunway too. Sad…
Looks like it is impossible for me to record everything that happened within a year in this blog, like I said just now, I missed out many memories. Hopefully I still can remember some of it.
I am getting older as time flies, what I “see” and “feel” also changed a lot. Thanks to things that happened to me. I laughed, I broke down, all this seem so long ago but yet so clear inside my head. I must always remind myself, not to forget those lines I have drawn. Always remember what I have promise and finally, remember what I have gone through.
I am getting blur again.. @___@
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12:48 PM
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Finally I understand what the feeling is when you don’t even have any single plan during the festivals. I want to go out, I want to go out with friends. I miss the UK gang a lot. I never expected that I don’t have any plan. This is the saddest case to me. I have so much more to write but I just losing passion on the dreams and memories. What should I do to be the old me again? Pangkor Trip, Yenny, Avatar, Princess and the Frog, Christmas Wishes… I just feel tired.
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12:04 AM
Sunday, December 13, 2009
I am enough with this and I don’t wish to forget, I must write this down, as a reminder. Don’t ever think about crossing any forbidden line that you think you can make it, you should know your limit by the age of 20 and you should know how far you can go. You definitely don’t need answers for that. You stay inside your area and that’s it. Don’t ever think of coming out because you will never make it. You cross the line, you pay for it. You will know how big the prize can be.
Now I crossed the line, and the prize I am paying is killing.
The distance is way too far, is actually a level that can never achieve, no matter how hard you try. When you are born, the limit is there. Yes, you can upgrade, you can level up… but still you are just level up WITHIN your limit. You will never be able to go any higher.
You know how great it feels? When someone actually show you the distance? A distance you can never catch up, a distance you can never reach. This is what people call 不自量力 , which means you are doing something that you are not capable of and in the end lead you to disaster.
Remember, you are just someone normal, don’t ever think about going any higher. If not, you are the one who fall the most.
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1:28 PM
Friday, December 4, 2009
Found some interesting posters, and it would be cool to share it, just like what Yenny did to us. Hopefully this going to be a great sharing. Honestly by looking at these poster, really remind me of Visual Communication, where a great message can be found in every simply graphic.
Talking of Visual Communication, one thing which really make me OMG.. I can't believe that I actually forgotten this subject's name, and the best part is only one people can remember. The rest? Hoho.. All just like me.

by Handoko Tjung from Indonesia

by Malgorzata Bedowska from Poland

by Anita Lukácsi from Hungary

by Salome Koshkadze from Georgia

by Andre Casaclang from Australia

by Malgorzata Bedowska from Poland

by Takanori Matsumoto from Japan

by Selcuk Ozis from United Kingdom

by Handoko Tjung from Indonesia

by Tiantian Zhang from China

by Hong Wang from China

by Ulas Ugur or Pinar Akkurt from Turkey
Posted by Posted by
7:42 PM
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Thank god is Friday because we watched the latest movie, 2012. Finally we watched it, a movie that we waited since last year finally is in Cinema now. Thank god is not that bad, overall is quite entertaining and touching. Comments about this movie no doubt are the visual effects, they are simply crazy. Just that some part totally no logic (I am not referring to those disasters or the Visual Effects).
When you watching a movie, there are things you should accept, can accept and must accept. I hate people describing a movie using words like “Fake” because movies ARE FAKE. All you have to do is accept it.
To me I accept almost everything but that part in the movie I really can’t find any logic or excuse to cover that scene. Sometimes I don’t understand why they can make mistake like this when they have thousands of people working on one project. How they end up mistake like this? Haiz… No matter what, 2012 stills entertaining me a lot.
I just understand why Malaysia doesn’t have the movie, FAME!!! I have been waiting for this quite some time and I totally interested in watching. The songs inside is awesome!!! I just hope they will release this as soon as possible. Don’t be like Coraline, released after 6 months. Actually 6 months consider very good dy, because some movie release after 1 year. I have no idea what they are thinking in their mind.
Who is free to watch The Time Traveler's Wife with me? The trailer looks awesome to me and the song, Broken by Lifehouse you guys should have a try, the song suits the trailer a lot. We always wish to have the ability to time travel, but what if we can’t control the ability? What is the possible disaster you will face in life? Love and time… Reminds me of The Lake House, which also a very touching movie.
Disney’s classic 2D animation, The Princess and the Frog will be bringing us back to our childhood memories. After so many years of 3D 3D and 3D, no doubt we are waiting for this…
Check out the posters below, they are the upcoming movies which capture my attention. I will be back soon and for now is...
To be continue!!!
Day 1...
DAy 2...
Day 3...
Day 4...
Blah blah blah blah..
Saya sudah balik.
Fantastic Mr.Fox basically is another stop motion film but is not by Tim Burton. You guys should check out the trailer, is kind if interesting the way they tell us who is Fantastic who is NOT. Haha. By the way, Meryl Streep is one of the cast who voice over the character, Mrs. Fox.
Err.. I know not much about this movie, the trailer simply capture my attention and the poster does look cool. Some of my friends even looking forward for this, so I guess this movie should be interesting?
I only know I am waiting for this. One of the cast is Heath Ledger. Yes is him. He last film in world. Kind of fantasy and adventuress. I will update more on this.
I wanted to watch this film but too bad, i don't time for this. The trailer kind of making me want to know more about this film, you can say I want to know the ending too but i don't want spoiler. Haha. Is about a woman received a box from someone mystery. By pushing a button (inside the box) someone will game over (Die) and as a reward, MONEY!!! $$$ but somehow there will be consequences, that’s the reason of having this film right? If is so simple, the movie will end in 20 minutes.
Personally I don't really into this movie.. Yet! By watching the trailer, yes I know is directed by the James Cameron, the Director of Tinanic. I know is cool but then I only saw a movie that having a high level of Digital Animation and that’s all. Cool scene, super detail background just doesn’t satisfy me, but this doesn't mean that I don't like this movie. I won't be judging it till the max since I have not watched the movie yet. You never watch, you never know.
Again Meryl Streep. She just too amazing to me, for being such a professional actress. So.. What’s so special this film? Honestly I also not that sure about this. Haha. Maybe partly because of her super amazing acting skill? Second is the story line is interesting too. A broke up couple (husband and wife) actually carrying on a clandestine love affair? I have no idea how they end up like that but the trailer somehow is funny. This should be fun.
I don't really into this film at first but after checking out their Soundtrack, I changed my mind. Haha. This is because they having songs like Right Round, I Gotta Feeling and Hot n Cold. I am looking forward for all this cute song, I already checkout the preview of the Right Round and I would say… Is cute!! Haha.
I guess I don’t have to go to 2010 movies first. You can check out the poster collection I found. Some of it is good.
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4:24 PM